“…..whoa…get me to a party”
In my last post, I mentioned how I liked the interlude between verses, and how some producers add extra flavour or effects for the lead in. Well, same thing here. Listen for the electrics after the bridge.
Also, this part is great because of the way after the bridge, the song picks up momentum again..like yeah, this song is not going 3;30 my friend, we’re keeping it movin!
Also, the drums, probably my favourite, the little hi hat hits, the double ups, the pace and energy of this song absolutely rocks. I mean the guitar is great too, and the vocals as well.
Finally..I’ve been listening to this song a lot lately and what I love about it most is how it’s during the parts where he’s not singing, where I like shaking it down and dancing the most. Know what I mean? Like I want to jam with the band with my partying. When there’s no vocals, I fill in the space for him by partying extra hard!
The Skin of My Yellow Country Teeth 3:21 – 4:34
From Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, self-released in 2005.